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Each time you give your opinion on any of the platforms where LEGOGames1000 is available, you have to follow the Community Guidelines, a series of rules that you have to follow and that hope to assure respect for everyone, no matter the context. In this page, you'll know what are the 4 Community Guidelines, what they are about, and what is at risk when you defy them.

1) No Offenses

LEGOGames1000 hates offences or fights of any kind, mainly because of the damage they can do to the affected party. And this also applies to all LEGOGames1000 platforms. The first Community Guideline (added on February 2, 2022) says that when making a comment, no one should be offended, even with a "justification" given. Any offence or fight between users will be considered as war or bullying. As that Christian/Jewish commandment says, everyone must love God and himself, just as one loves his neighbour (that is, the other).

2) No Spoilers (unless otherwise stated)

Another thing LEGOGames1000 hates is spoilers. Spoiler is a term commonly used to describe an important event of a series/movie/book/video game that is told to a person without first having reached the part where that event occurs. When one is eager to try that series/movie/ book/video game and they give him a spoiler, he (usually) does not want to try that thing anymore because he already knows what is going to happen. In other words, spoilers delete the surprise factor. This is why the second Community Guideline (added on February 2, 2022) says that, unless explicitly stated otherwise, or asked that the followers/Subs of the channel participate in a quiz, they should not give any spoilers for upcoming video themes, because in some cases, LEGOGames1000 wants to leave the theme as a surprise, and spoilers end up undoing it.

3) No Childish Behaviours

LEGOGames1000 also detests any behaviour that resembles that of a child. The third Community Guideline (added on July 15, 2022) goes against these behaviours, which include (but are not limited to) the following:

  1. Ask every now and then to make a video about something you can't do because of copyright issues.

  2. Do not tolerate video delays or changes in plans.

  3. Push LEGOGames1000 to end a video at the time a user wants.

  4. Ask too many things in the Comments.

  5. Order LEGOGames1000 to make something, instead of the one who asked it.

4) Don't Steal my Videos

The fourth Community Guideline (added on May 14, 2023) tries to prevent my videos from being stolen, because since the channel became popular, there are people stealing videos from LEGOGames1000. In this context, "video theft" occurs when a person reposts another person's video, without giving credit to the original person who uploaded it. This is unfair, because LEGOGames1000 does not earn or intend to earn money from the videos it makes, and decreases the overall visibility of the channel to new users. If you would like to reuse my content, you will need to ask me for permission through the "Contact" page on this website, or give me credit by writing the name of the channel next to a phrase that implies that the video is mine (examples: This video belongs to LEGOGames1000 or Original material from LEGOGames1000).


If you defy any of the Community Guidelines, you will receive some penances.

  • The first time you disobey the first and/or the third Guideline, you will be kindly asked to stop disobeying it. The second time, will be put under observation. Already in the third you will be banned (that is, blocked and/or hidden) from the channel as a form of punishment. If you have other accounts and use them to continue violating the Councils, your other accounts will also be banned.

  • Nothing will happen to you if you disobey the second Guideline; it's just a general warning.

  • If you disobey the fourth Guideline by stealing any video and reposting it, either full or divided in parts, you'll be put under observation the first time and kindly asked to stop stealing content. If you steal any more videos after that first warning, you'll receive a copyright strike. If after that you continue stealing my videos or sharing them through the "Community" tab on your channel, you'll be banned from my channel.

Latest modification: 10 July, 2023.

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