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Cuando los Genéricos se Pierden…: the theme that became a web series.

Throughout the world, all television and/or radio Idents are available for all generations. Or not? Well, no! Due to the passage of time, due to an accident that caused it to be lost or for any other reason that I do not place in order not to extend this text, there are Idents lost worldwide. That (and the reason to tell those stories) is why "Cuando los Genéricos se Pierden…" (When Idents Are Lost…) was born, as a web series where those lost stories are told and simulated (with memes in between to avoid being boring).

Miniatura del primer capítulo de la webserie "Cuando los Genéricos se Pierden".

S01 EP01: Canal 13 Chile's Closedown (1995-1998)

"Good night... and see you tomorrow, God willing". This was how the children of the 80s ran to their beds when the Chilean TV was turned off until the next day. This message, used between 1982 and 2002, already explains the fear that the world suffered. But, one of the iterations of that message was lost. Which? As the iCarly meme says, we'll find out .

S01 EP02: 60 Minutes Edition 1 (1987-88) + Extra by TV Globo

In the second episode, we will see the mysterious Edition 1 of the old TVN Chile newscast, 60 Minutes (because there is literally nothing left of that daytime edition), followed by an extra from another newscast, but from TV Globo. Why? LOL! I don't know.

Miniatura del segundo 
capítulo de la webserie "Cuando los Genéricos se Pierden".

S01 EP03: TVN Chile's Closedown (1982-1984)

This September 18, in Chile the first Governing Board without Iberian representatives is held, also known as Fiestas Patrias. And by way of celebration, what better thing can we do, apart from reviewing another lost Chilean closing? And from a channel rooted in Chilean culture? What a celebration!

Miniatura del tercer capítulo de la webserie "Cuando los Genéricos se Pierden".
Miniatura del cuarto capítulo de la webserie "Cuando los Genéricos se Pierden".

S01 EP04: Opening of Jornal Nacional on TV Difusora

In Brazil, there are news programmes that are totally national, but did you know that an affiliate of TV Globo already used the name "Jornal Nacional" and made its local version? Well yes, you are not dreaming! The affiliate TV Difusora from Maranhão, before joining SBT, was affiliated with Globo and did just that: a local Jornal Nacional, and that includes its own opening.

S01 EP05: Canal 13 Chile's Closedown (March-October 2002)

As a special of 200 Subscribers, I began to listen to the requests of a user, and I put monkeys (I say, HANDS) to work to bring him this topic about closures of Channel 13 (Again?). However, unlike the first episode, this closure did not even last a year, lasting barely from March to October 2002, between "Viva el Verano" and "el Logo Virtual", between losses and the eventual return to prosperity.

Miniatura del quinto capítulo de la webserie "Cuando los Genéricos se Pierden".

S01 EP06: Teletrece's Case (1970-72)

This will be the last episode for 2021. Continuing on with the theme of December's first Collage, in ClGsP we'll analyse the only opening of Teletrece currently lost to time. We'll also mention briefly the temporary 1978 era, following the adoption of colour TV in Chile.

Miniatura del sexto capítulo de la webserie "Cuando los Genéricos se Pierden".

S01 EP07: Closing the Oldest Channel

2022 is already under way and "Cuando los Genéricos se Pierden…" cannot get lost in time, and the theme was decided in the same way that the webseries began last year. So I went to make this episode (which has the honour of being published January 1st at Midnight) and now, the webseries celebrates the new year.

Miniatura del séptimo capítulo de la webserie "Cuando los Genéricos se Pierden".

S01 EP08: Viña del Mar Festival - A Million IDs Along the Sea

Between February and March 2022, the 8th episode was "Viña del Mar Festival - A Million IDs Along the Sea", a special about the logos of the Viña del Mar International Song Festival, to fill up its absence in 2021 and 2022.

Miniatura del octavo capítulo de la webserie "Cuando los Genéricos se Pierden".


HALLOWEEN SPECIAL 2021: Closedown Retrospective

We are in the time of Halloween, where everything should be scary. And among that "everything", there are the broadcast closures that historically made millions of Chileans remain with a stick (or, at least, restless). For this reason, we put ourselves in the Review mode and do a Retrospective of the 3 closings seen so far in the webseries.

Miniatura del primer especial de retrospectiva de la webserie "Cuando los Genéricos se Pierden".
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