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ClGsP - S01 EP01: Canal 13 Chile's Closedown (1995-1998)

"Good night ... and see you tomorrow, God Willing". This was how the children of the 80s ran to their beds when the Chilean TV was turned off until the next day. This message, used between 1982 and 2002, already explains the fear that the world suffered. But, one of the iterations of that message was lost. Which? As the iCarly meme says, we will find out in the premiere episode of "Cuando los Genéricos se Pierden..." (ClGsP), where we will see what is known about this closure, what are the broadcast closures in general (because here in Chile, with some exceptions, it hasn't yet switched to non-stop transmissions as in almost all the rest of the world) and, in the end, we will show the most valuable thing: a simulation and the reasons for its loss.

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